To become a member click the button below to get preferential access to all S.U.E community events, industry nights, the exam bank, and our mentorship program.
About Us
The Society for Undergraduates in Economics serves the academic and career goals of our members by creating an open and accessible community within the Economics department.
In particular, we link students with the Department of Economics, and industry associations. In representing student interests, the SUE has the following roles:
Providing and online exam bank and other student resources
Prepare students for their careers by hosting industry nights, resume clinics and information sessions.
Develop a strong yet welcoming community within the economics department by organizing mixers and other social events.
For more about the mandate and governance of SUE, download the updated constitution here.
News and Updates
Are you a first year student?
Are you a new student at the University of Calgary? SUE is here to help you make the most of your time as you pursue your degree. Here are some resources that may help you throughout your first year: